2014 was spectacular year. Looking back, so much happened and it's hard to imagine that a year can pass so quickly. It seems like it was just a week ago when I celebrated New Years in Lithuania with a handful of my friends, drinking champagne and playing 21. And what did I do this New Years Eve? I was working a night shift, serving coffee to all the drunks in the downtown Toronto. Quite a big change, I'd say.
I won't create a New Years resolution this year, only because every time I do, it all goes to hell anyways, so why waste time? I do have some ideas of what I'd like to do, to improve my life and myself, but I'm just gonna keep to myself; obviously putting it
down on paper has no affect on me. And at the end of the year, reading your old resolutions and realizing that you did nothing, you wanted, well, it's kinda a big bummer. So I'm gonna save myself from that this year. Instead, I want to look back at all the little great (or not so great) moments I had and just be happy for a moment of what life brought me.
Dying my hair ombre style. It might sound kinda stupid, but I like that style so much and even though it's not the best decision for my hair health, but it looks awesome on me and I don't know if I ever get bored of it. Which is strange, because usually I get bored of my hair looking the same pretty fast. Guess what I needed was just to find something that I really loved.
I do remember one afternoon that I spent with my friend. We were just wondering around the city and just spending time together when suddenly a rainstorm came out of nowhere. We were all wet, running around the old-town trying to find a shelter, cause none of us had an umbrella, then we went to a little coffee place; while drinking sweet coffee and talking about.. nothing in particular actually, I realized that he is really important person in my life. Of course, after that I kinda got sick, but the feeling I get every time remembering this, really makes me feel.. warm inside, so it was all worth it.
From ex to.. woah! I never expected that I could be friends with my ex. But it turns out, that we are actually even better as friends than we were as couple. I honestly can say that he is like a brother to me. Sometimes I love him. Sometimes I hate him and I wish I could strangle him. But without him my life wouldn't be the same. He knows me best and he saw me not only at my best but at my worst too. It's just funny how life turns out sometimes, but this one; even if it was a huge surprise, it's totally for the best.
22. It was one of the most memorable birthdays I ever had. Closest friends around me, having beers inside, because it was still cold in the middle of the spring, slapping a friend at midnight, because it was my gift from him.. It's hard for me to explain why this birthday means so much to me, but when I look at the pictures, I look so happy and sometimes I do wish I could go back to that day and experience everything just one more time.
Got my phone stolen. This is one of the worst memories from 2014. I still have trouble walking alone in the street while talking on the phone. Just remembering how sudden and frightening the experience was.. I'm still jumpy every-time someone runs pass me, probably still expecting something bad to happen again.
One of the best friendships ever. Let's get one thing straight. Since childhood, I always had more boy-friends that girl-friends. I don't know why, but it seems that I get along better with guys than girls. I always had my one best friend by my side and that was absolutely enough for me. But when I moved away to study, it got a bit lonely, even though I still had a lot of friends who were guys. But a girl sometimes just need another girl for all those silly conversations and random gossip. Then I met one girl. And it wasn't really sudden, no. But after some time and some random conversations, she became one of the most loved persons ever. I love her so much, and it is hard to describe how happy I am that I met her. All the shopping's we had, all the conversations drinking lattes while sitting in the patios, all the laughing.. I'm just super happy that she exists in my life.

Graduation. After three years of studying I finally did it. I finished college. Having in mind that I was ready to quit everything at one point, I'm happy that I sucked it up and finished it. And the grades were not too bad also! Graduation night is the best memory of 2014. No doubt. No explanation needed.
June 23rd. Shortest night of the year. And I don't think I'll ever forget it. Drinking tea on top of the mountain, where you could see the whole city. Driving around with the people I love most. Long talks about nothing and everything, seeing the sunrise and just living in the moment. It was one of those nights where I got to know my friends even more and it was just a magical night.
Saying goodbye and moving to Canada. I talked about this so much now, that I feel like everything is said. It was one of the toughest and saddest things to do. But it had to be done. Lots of tears on the last night in Lithuania. Lots of tears later on too. But Canada turned out to be not so bad, even without my friends by my side.

Getting a job at Tim Hortons. I don't even know if this was a good or a bad thing of 2014. Fact, I needed a job as soon as possible. Fact, it's not the best job in the universe. Fact, I met the most amazing people there, and those people made it worth coming to work everyday. I do believe that some friendships I made at this workplace, will last even after I leave Canada for good.
Visiting Niagara falls. I always thought that I'll only see this place in movies and pictures. I mean, I'm from Lithuania and this part of the world is so far away and you just don't dare to dream about seeing it in real life. But now I am at the right side of the world, and hopefully I'll visit more places, that I never thought I'll have the ability to do it. Though to my disappointment, it wasn't as spectacular as I expected. But hey, I still was there, right? That's what matters.
Having a party at a museum. This was pretty awesome experience. Drinking wine along side Panda's and dinosaurs, dancing with friends and just basically having the best time of my life.
Getting my heart broken. Well, of course I'm exaggerating, but I did had a huge crush and everything went down pretty quick. Deep in my hear I knew that this was going to happen, cause it seemed to be too good to be true anyways. But I'm a hopeless romantic and a dreamer, so I hoped for the best, when the worst was already happening.
Having in mind that my memory is crappy, I probably forgot a lot of awesome stuff that happened in 2014. But all in all, this was one of the best years in my life so far. A lot of good and bad things happened and I'm happy that I have a lot of stories to tell, just because this year I went out of my comfort zone and actually did things I never thought I would. Living sucks most of the time. But you have to try and try, if you want something extraordinary to happen. I did and the outcome really surprised me. And I can't wait to see what 2015 has to offer me.
Playing : Simone White - Rain